Typical autumn illnesses

Corona & flu

Similarities and differences

Corona (COVID-19)

Risk of infection

Can be very high, especially with certain variants.


Fever, cough, sore throat, general weakness, fatigue and muscle pain & Loss of sense of smell and taste.


Can be mild, severe or fatal. Long-term consequences (long COVID) are possible. Usually slow course of the disease.


Droplet infection (coughing, sneezing or speaking).

Flu (influenza)

Risk of infection

Also high, but possibly somewhat lower than with some COVID-19 variants.


 Fever, sore throat, cold, dry cough, tiredness, headache and/or muscle aches.


Usually mild, but can become severe in at-risk groups. Often occurs suddenly and usually runs a shorter course.


Droplet infection (coughing, sneezing or speaking).

Joint protection against flu & Covid-19:

  • Hygiene: Wash hands, disinfect surfaces
  • Distance: Keep at least 1.5 metres away from others
  • Mask: Wear in closed rooms
  • Contacts: Reduce and preferably meet outdoors
  • Events: Avoid major events
  • Vaccinations are possible against both diseases! (Vaccination against corona is currently not available in our practice!)

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