Tick bite: What now?
What is TBE?
TBE stands for tick-borne encephalitis
Inflammation of the brain and meninges
Symptoms: high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, neck stiffness and sometimes paralysis.
TBE can cause permanent damage and is fatal in some cases
There is no treatment for TBE. Only the symptoms can be treated.
TBE vaccination - Vaccination offers the best protection!
From the 1st birthday
4 weeks after the first vaccination
5 - 12 or 9 - 12 months after the 2nd vaccination - depending on the vaccine
1st booster vaccination: 3 years after the 3rd vaccination
Further booster vaccinations: every 5 years
vaccination service vienna (undated). FSME (Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination). Retrieved on 18.04.2024 from: https://impfservice.wien/fsme-zecken-schutzimpfung/
Robert Koch Institute (29 February 2024) Answers to frequently asked questions about ticks, tick bites, infection. Retrieved on 19 April 2024 at: https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/FSME/Zecken/Zecken.html