Preventing anxiety
Your child needs to know that at the doctor's nothing bad happens.
Picture books and doctor games:
- Take away anxiety by explaining the procedure of the visit with a suitable Picture book
- Visit to the doctor with Doctor's case replay
Normalise doctor's visit
- Take your child to yours the next check-up.
- Show your child that nothing bad is happening and that the doctor's visit normal is.
- The doctor's visit should not considered exceptional be displayed

Well equipped
Take a Cuddly toy or Favourite toy to help your child Security to offer.
- The visit to the doctor should not be announced too far in advance, so that there is no time to let your fears get the better of you.
- Tell your child shortly before what to expect is. What is important here honest to be.

After the doctor's appointment
After the doctor's appointment, it is important that the child to praise vigorously.
"You did a great job".