Sevinc Yildirim

Familie mit Koffern am Flughafen

Travel first aid kit checklist for download

The first-aid kit checklist It's almost that time of year again, the holiday season is just around the corner and many families are already planning their trips. But before they set off, parents should definitely think about their first-aid kit. After all, it's easy for a child to fall ill or injure themselves when travelling abroad. A well-stocked first-aid kit can come in [...]

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Masern Mumps und Röteln – Impfstoffen

Information on the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines

Information on the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines Every day, we in the paediatric outpatient clinic receive questions from concerned relatives about the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination. Measles, mumps and rubella are viral diseases of childhood and adolescence, but can also affect unprotected adults. The triple combination vaccination against measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) is included in the free vaccination programme. It is

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fsme Impfung Kinderarzt in Cape 10

Information on the TBE vaccines

Information on TBE vaccines Every day we receive questions from concerned relatives in the paediatric outpatient clinic about TBE vaccination. TBE is a viral disease that leads to inflammation of the brain, the meninges and the central nervous system. About one to two weeks after the tick bite, flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, vomiting or dizziness initially occur for a few days.

Information on the TBE vaccines Read More »

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Die Grippe-Impfung ist bei uns KOSTENLOS verfügbar!

Für alle ab dem 6. Lebensmonat verfügbar. Für Kinder und Jugendliche ab dem 2. bis zum 18. Geburtstag ist die Impfung auch als Nasal spray möglich. Bei Impfwunsch bitten wir um vorherige Terminvereinbarung!

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