

Die Grippe (Influenza)

Influenza Die „echte“ Grippe Mehr als eine einfache Erkältung Was ist die Grippe? Die echte Grippe (Influenza) ist keine einfache Erkältung, sondern eine ansteckende Viruserkrankung, die plötzlich mit hohem Fieber, Husten und starken Schmerzen beginnt. Sowohl beim Husten und Niesen (Tröpfcheninfektion) als auch über verunreinigte Oberflächen (Schmierinfektion) können sich die Viren verbreiten. Besonders für Risikogruppen […]

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Corona vs. flu

Typical autumn illnesses Corona & flu Similarities and differences Corona (COVID-19) Risk of infection Can be very high, especially with certain variants. Symptoms Fever, cough, sore throat, general weakness, tiredness and muscle pain & loss of sense of smell and taste. Course Can be mild, severe or fatal. Long-term consequences (Long COVID) are possible. Usually slow course of the disease. Transmission by droplet infection (coughing, sneezing or speaking).

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Virus disease Mpox (monkeypox) The situation in Austria Mpox is a disease caused by viruses that can cause symptoms similar to smallpox. People with immune deficiencies, pregnant women and children are particularly at risk. What is Mpox (monkeypox)? Mpox is a disease caused by viruses that can cause symptoms similar to smallpox. People with

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High ragweed pollen count from the end of August

High exposure to ragweed pollen From the end of August According to the Pollen Information Service, there will be a very high exposure to ragweed pollen from the end of August, which can trigger severe allergic reactions. 🌿🍃 🤧 It is important for a child's well-being to recognise and treat an allergy as early as possible. After testing in an allergy centre, we will be happy to advise and inform you

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Whooping cough

Questions & Answers Whooping cough The number of whooping cough cases is rising: Why the disease can be too dangerous What is whooping cough? Whooping cough (pertussis) is a highly contagious disease of the respiratory tract and is usually caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough is spread by sick people when coughing, sneezing or through the air (droplet infection). often begins inconspicuously

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Summer and sunburn

Summer is coming Summer and sunburn Why and how you can protect your child from the sun The coming summer also increases the risk of sunburn. Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin caused by intense sun exposure. Children's skin is thin and does not yet have its own protection and is therefore particularly at risk!

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Kinder Therapie

Mental disorders & developmental delays in children and adolescents

Mental disorders & developmental delays in children and adolescents Mental disorders and developmental delays in children and adolescents are more widespread than the general public realise. In this article you can read up on the subject. Important: Self-diagnosis can lead to incorrect treatment. Therapists and doctors have the necessary training and experience to diagnose illnesses.

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