
Parent-child pass examinations

All check-up appointments at a glance Parent-Child Passport examinations Why the ELP examinations are so important The Parent-Child Passport is a valuable tool for protecting your child's health and promoting their optimal development. Regular examinations allow health risks and illnesses to be recognised quickly. We have summarised all the important check-ups in the following article: First examination: First

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Allergy season

Brike, rye, grasses & many more Allergy season Pollen count in spring Pollen count Pollen allergy - symptoms The concentration of grass and tree pollen in the air is highest between April and August. However, the first swarms of pollen can appear as early as February and March. From October onwards, most plants stop flowering and the pollen season ends. Occasionally

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Masern Mumps und Röteln – Impfstoffen

Information on the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines

Information on the measles, mumps and rubella vaccines Every day, we in the paediatric outpatient clinic receive questions from concerned relatives about the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination. Measles, mumps and rubella are viral diseases of childhood and adolescence, but can also affect unprotected adults. The triple combination vaccination against measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) is included in the free vaccination programme. It is

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fsme Impfung Kinderarzt in Cape 10

Information on the TBE vaccines

Information on TBE vaccines Every day we receive questions from concerned relatives in the paediatric outpatient clinic about TBE vaccination. TBE is a viral disease that leads to inflammation of the brain, the meninges and the central nervous system. About one to two weeks after the tick bite, flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, vomiting or dizziness initially occur for a few days.

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