How can you prevent colds?

It is almost impossible to completely avoid catching a cold, as there are countless cold viruses. But with a few ways to prevent the Immune system to strengthen.

Healthy nutritionplenty of fresh vegetables, fruit and wholemeal products

Sufficient sleep: The body recovers during sleep

Regular exerciseGood for the circulation

Healthy indoor air: Fresh air reduces viruses indoors

Which home remedies help with colds and coughs?

  1. Drink a lot: Plenty of water & unsweetened teas with honey and lemon or herbal teas help to soothe the cough.
  2. Inhalation: Inhaling hot water vapour can clear the airways.
  3. Chicken soup: The ingredients in chicken soup can alleviate the symptoms.
  4. Nasal rinses: Viruses are flushed out & nose is cleared

When should you take a child to the doctor?

In most cases, colds clear up by themselves. Nevertheless, you should take your child to the doctor if:

    • the cough longer als 2 weeks lasts
    • Hoarseness, breathing difficulties or pain
    • Especially for discoloured mucus (yellowish or reddish)
    • with several days or high Fever

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