Babies and toddlers react more sensitive to heat than adults. Your thin skull bones and little hair make them susceptible to heatstroke, especially in the case of direct sunlight on the head and neck.

What is heatstroke?

In heat stroke the Whole body affected, in the case of sunstroke initially only the head. Children in particular are Heat in the car or with strenuous activities jeopardised. The body can no longer dissipate the heat (sweating)resulting in a Heat build-up and serious damage.

Recognising symptoms in a child:

  • immediate Onset of symptoms (not after a few hours)
  • High redhotter Headdry (initially red, later grey or bluish), dry skin
  • Blunt look, unsteady gait
  • High fever (over 40 degrees)rapid breathing
  • Impairment of consciousnessseizures
  • Vomiting, extreme thirst

What to do?

Heat stroke is a medical emergency.

Call the Emergency doctor and bring your child to a cool place. Loosen the clothes and cool the body with damp cloths. Store it quiet and give If conscious and not nauseous, drink small amounts of cool water. (1 April 2021). What to do in case of sunburn, heat stroke and sunstroke. Retrieved on 19/08/2024 from:

Family Magazine (2024). Watch out for sunstroke: When children get too hot. Retrieved 19.08.2024 from:

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