Mpox is a through Viruses caused by a disease that Similar symptoms to smallpox can be caused. Particularly at risk are People with immunodeficiency, pregnant women and children.

Mpox is a through Viruses caused diseasewhich similar symptoms as the Smallpox can be caused. Particularly at risk are People with immunodeficiency, pregnant women and children.

After contact with an infected person, the first symptoms usually appear within a few days. 2-21 days on. Typical signs are Fever, aching limbs and a characteristic skin rash with blisters.

The disease is mainly transmitted by direct close contact with the rash, blisters or pustules of sick persons or use Objects such as: Bed linen.

The disease usually progresses Mild. The symptoms usually go away after few weeks disappear by themselves.

In Exceptional cases the disease can be severe. It can also be fatal. Severe symptoms are

  • Additional infections of the skin
  • Myocarditis
  • Brain inflammation
  • Pneumonia
  • Eye inflammation with permanent eye damage

Since 23 May 2022, 348 cases of Mpox have been reported in Austria (as of 12 June 2024). Of these, eleven Mpox cases were reported in 2023, Ten cases so far in 2024.

Vaccination is not necessary for the general population. But you can still preventive protection.

  • For fever, rash
  • Contact a person with Mpox
  • Many close contacts in the last 21 days

Then contact a doctor by telephone or the health hotline 1450. Until then Avoid further contacts and pay attention to good hygiene.

Mpox (monkeypox) is a notifiable disease.

Federal Ministry. (26 August 2024). Mpox (monkeypox).
Vaccination Service Vienna. (undated). Mpox (monkeypox).
AGES. (12.06.2024). Mpox (monkeypox).

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