
+43 1 90 50 006

You can reach us by telephone:
Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Public holiday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

Alfred-Adler-Strasse 1/5
1100 Vienna

Paediatricians in Cape10

The "Dr. Yildirim & Partner Group Practice for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine" is located in Favoriten, right next to Vienna's main railway station. 

The care of our patients as a team enables us to provide a wide range of services. In addition to general paediatric care, we offer a number of additional services as a health insurance benefit.

You can park conveniently in the multi-storey car park at the main station or in the Fritz-Hahn-Gasse car park.

Opening hours









09:00 bis 19:00

09:00 bis 19:00

09:00 bis 19:00

07:00 bis 19:00

09:00 bis 19:00

10:00 till 15:00

10:00 till 15:00

10:00 till 15:00

Information on


Please bring your e-card and a photo ID with you on your first visit and, in the case of a newborn, a replacement receipt from your health insurance company. If you have not yet received your e-card or have forgotten it, we ask you to pay a deposit of € 100.

Additional services

Fee notes, vaccinations and confirmations can be paid in cash or by debit card.

  • Care leave - free of charge
  • School and kindergarten confirmations - free of charge
  • Trip cancellation confirmations € 10,-.
  • Vaccination card duplicate € 70,-
  • Duplicate mother-child pass € 180,-
  • Sports test including lung function test, ECG, blood and urine test, free of charge

Vaccinations with costs

Meningococcus B (Bexero) 
Meningococcus C (Nimenrix) 
Ticks (FSME Junior) 
Ticks (TBE adults)
Varicella (Varilix) 
Hepatitis A (Havrix Junior) 
Hepatitis B (Hbvaxpro)  (7-15 years free of charge)

HPV (Gardasil 9) (9–30 Jahre gratis)
Pneumococcus (Prevenar/Vaxneuwance)
6-fold vaccination (Hexyon/InfanrixHexa)
4-fold vaccination (Repevax)  (7-15 years free of charge)
Tetanus (Tentanol for adults)
Pro Quad (MMR&Varicella) Hepatitis A+B (Twinrix Junior) Hepatitis A+B (adults)

Free paediatric vaccinations

Flu vaccination (Vaxigrip)

The real flu (influenza) is a contagious disease that causes Viral diseasesuddenly with high fever, cough and severe pain is used. In contrast to a flu-like infection, the flu usually progresses as follows heavier. Early treatment with special medication can prevent severe courses.

The transfer takes place through Droplet infection (coughing, sneezing, talking, kissing) or Smear infection (e.g. touching contaminated objects). The incubation period is a few hours to a few days. 

Vaccination recommendation

Children from the 6th month of life can receive the vaccination. When vaccinating children up to the age of 9 for the first time, two vaccinations at least four weeks apart are recommended. After that, one dose per season is recommended.

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Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination

Measles, mumps and rubella are Viral diseases of childhood and adolescence, but can also affect unprotected adults. 

Complications or late effects of Measles can Severe consequential damage and in very few cases can be fatal. Symptoms are Fever, cold, cough, conjunctivitis and the typical skin rash with coarse red patches.

The transfer takes place through Droplet infection. From the period 4 days before the onset and 4 days after the onset of the rash, there is very littleHigh risk of infection! 

More information: Measles Q&A

Vaccination recommendation

The measles vaccination is given in the form of a Combination vaccination (MMR). Two MMR vaccinations from the age of completed 9th month of life (absolutely recommended before entering communal facilities).

  • In case of first vaccination in the 1st year of life (from the completed 9th month of life), the 2nd vaccination should be administered after three months.
  • In case of first vaccination after the 1st year of life, the 2nd vaccination is given as early as possible, with a minimum interval of four weeks.
  • Missing MMR vaccinations can and should be made up at any age.

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HPV vaccination (Gardasil)

What is HPV? This is the abbreviation for Human papilloma viruses. This is a larger group of viruses that lead to inflammation and skin changes in the genital area. The viruses release malignant diseases, especially cervical cancer, other Types of cancer in the Genital area and in the mouth and throat. Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer in the world. It is the 3rd most common cause of death in women with cancer.

Human papilloma viruses are transmitted by direct contact of the mucous membranes. The risk is equally high for women and men, so the vaccination makes sense for both girls and boys.

Vaccination recommendation

The vaccination provides optimal protection if it is administered before the first sexual contacts. Vaccination recommendations for children and adolescents. The HPV vaccination belongs to 1 July 2024 for people from their 9th to 30th birthday for the free childhood vaccination programme in Austria. A total of 2 vaccinations are recommended up to the 30th birthday and 3 vaccinations from the 30th birthday onwards.

Vaccination schedule from the 9th to the 30th birthday:
1st vaccination: from the 9th birthday
2nd vaccination: At the earliest 6 months (up to 12 months) after the 1st vaccination

For people aged 15 to 30 years, the 2-dose vaccination schedule is recommended off-label according to the Austrian vaccination plan. If the 2nd dose was administered earlier than 5 months after the first dose, a 3rd dose is always necessary (at intervals of 6-8 months)

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6-fold vaccination (Hexyon)
Basic immunisation

In the 3rd, 5th and 11th to 12th month of life, the vaccination is given with a Six-fold vaccine  against

  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus (lockjaw),
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Polio (infantile paralysis)
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib)
  • Hepatitis B

recommended and is bis 5 years free of charge. 

More information on the diseases: Paediatric diseases (6-fold vaccination)

Vaccination recommendation

Basic immunisation as part of the 6-dose vaccination in the 1st year of life (1st dose recommended as soon as possible in the 3rd month of life): 2+1 schedule: 2nd dose after 2 months, 3rd dose 6 months after the 2nd dose.

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4-fold vaccination (Repevax)

In the school, between the 7 and 9 years of age one Booster vaccination with a Quadruple vaccine against Diphtheria, tetanus, Whooping cough and polio. 

The 4-fold vaccination is free of charge up to the age of 7-15.

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Hepatitis B (Hbvaxpro)

The hepatitis B vaccination is part of the free child vaccination programme in Austria. The vaccination is given together with the vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough and haemophilus influenzae b as a 6-fold vaccination.

The booster vaccination is given from the age of 7 and is free of charge until the age of 7-15.

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Pneumococcal vaccination (Prevenar)

Pneumococcus is a bacterial pneumonia. The bacteria can colonise the nasopharynx without causing symptoms. 

In infants and young children, the bacterium Serious illnesses like Blut poisoning, Meningitis or pneumonia. 

The transmission takes place via Droplet infection.

Vaccination recommendation

This vaccination is recommended for all children and are included in the free vaccination programme up to the age of 2. Vaccinations should be administered in the 3rd, 5th and 12th-14th month of life.

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Meningococcus C (Nimenrix)

Meningococcal diseases are life-threatening bacterial infectionswhich can take a particularly severe course, in a few cases even leading to death. 

Meningococci can cause Meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) or Blood poisoning (septicaemia) cause.

More information: Meningococcus

Vaccination recommendation

Free of charge for children from the age of 10 to 13 as part of the children's vaccination programme

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Rotavirus oral vaccination

Rotavirus is caused by Ssmear or droplet infection and is a frequent pathogen of Emetic diarrhoea infants under 2 years of age. The first symptoms usually begin 24-72 hours after infection. 

Vaccination can minimise the risk of more severe, dehydrating diarrhoea, which can be life-threatening, especially in infants and young children, can be significantly reduced.

Vaccination recommendation

The rotavirus vaccination included in the free vaccination programme is usually given from the age of administered as an oral vaccination after the 6th week of life. 

  • 1st vaccination: in the 7th week of life
  • 2nd vaccination: in the 3rd month of life (from 4 weeks after the 1st vaccination)
  • 3rd vaccination: in the 4th month of life (from 4 weeks after the 2nd vaccination) - depending on the vaccine

The vaccination series should be completed at the age of 24 weeks be. 

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Modern and competent

We have finally found a great practice for our children in Favoriten.

Laura Michalovic

Paediatricians in CAPE 10

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