Simple pharmacy search

How to find the nearest pharmacy quickly and easily

The pharmacy search of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacies enables you to find the nearest pharmacy quickly and easily after your visit to the doctor.

The search results can be

  • generated based on its location
  • or search for a specific address or pharmacy
  • When searching on a mobile phone, all pharmacies in the vicinity are automatically displayed if the location localisation is active

Simply enter the desired keyword in the search bar and filter!

If you are looking for an open pharmacy on a specific date or time, it is also possible to filter the results based on a specific day and time frame.

In addition to the pharmacy name and address, a link to the website and route planner are also displayed in the search results.

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Tick vaccination:

Tick bites: Vaccination offers the safest protection against TBE. We vaccinate children from 6 months.

Please make an appointment in advance!

+43 1 90 50 006